T e r r a  M a g i c a Books

•W e l c o m e

•A r t i s t   P r o f i l e

•P h o t o g r a p h y

•P a i n t i n g s

•S h o p

•C o n s e r v a t i o n

•L i n k s

•C o n t a c t

Eye to eye with the wolf


by Günther Bloch and Peter A. Dettling in cooperation with Dr. Paul Paquet and Dr. Mike Gibeau

The fascinating, yet often tragic story of the wolves in Banff NP, Canada. One of the very few books, that shows 100% wild roaming wolves. No captive wolves!

Kosmos-Verlag, Euro 24,90
176 pages, 188 colour photos,
23 Graphics, diagrams and tables.

Price $45.00 CAD + GST + $9.50 Shipping & Handling




At the moment the book is only available in German. An English edition is planned - view book sample PDF  

Sign up here to get informed when the English edition will become available


by Dr. Paul Paquet  view PDF (English and German)


by Jim Brandenburg, world renowned nature photographer, conservationist and filmmaker.

"I feel like I have a brother in the name of Peter A. Dettling.  How many people know that 90% of wolf photographs seen are of "Hollywood" wolves - those that are bred, kept in a cage and delivered with a handler to the camera, totally out of context to their wild brethren? If the viewers only knew how much time and gifted inspiration Peter has given to making these rare and remarkably authentic wild wolf photographs! The guidance and generous support from the scientific team of Günther Bloch, Paul Paquet and Mike Gibeau has brought these hard earned photographs to the pages of this outstanding book." 


Order the German version $45.00 + $9.50 shipping and handling Total = $54.50 Canadian dollars

Spectacular colour photos document the return of wolves in the Swiss Alps and Western Europe.

216 S., geb., CHF 49.90

you can order the book by:
[email protected]

This hiking book on a region in Switzerland called "Bündner Oberland - Surselva" was published in 2002. Only 4 years later, a third edition had to be printed. The book is published in German and printed on Rainforest friendly paper.

"Die schönsten Bergwanderungen
im Bündner Oberland | Surselva"
8.2x5.9" (21x15cm) | CHF 38.–

you can order the book by:
[email protected]
Peter A. Dettling published his first book in the year 2000.
His book "Eindrücke aus der Natur" (Impressions of nature) was publisher bilingual, in German and Retoromanic (4th official language of Switzerland). The artist captured various scenes he experienced in the wild between 1996 and 1999 either on canvas or on film.

"Muments ella natira / Eindrücke aus der Natur"
100.6x9.4" (27x24cm) | CHF 58.–

you can order the book by:
[email protected]

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